CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Fordham Urban Law Journal Reviewing Articles on Rethinking Reentry

Posted by Senior Articles Editor, community karma 99

The Fordham Urban Law Journal is now accepting articles for its Volume 46, October 2018 Issue.  The Journal publishes themed Issues, this one entitled: Rethinking Reentry.

The Fordham Urban Law Journal has a strong history of addressing legal and public policy issues affecting urban populations across the nation and throughout the world.  The Journal is second-oldest publication and the most-cited specialty journal at Fordham Law School.  Additionally, the Journal is the second-most cited public policy law journal edited by students in the country, and is one of the few journals publishing articles directly related to urban law.

This upcoming Issue will focus on Rethinking Reentry—can we creatively and  innovatively reconsider or reimagine a problem troubling our nation for decades: the slew of unique challenges that returning citizens face post-incarceration when they come home, often to urban communities.  The Journal welcomes articles addressing collateral consequences; parole and probation reform; the role that governments (local, state or federal) ought to play in reentry; the impacts of drug policy on reentry; the impacts of sealing or expungement of records on reentry.  This list is in no way exhaustive, and the Journal invites you to submit an article on any Rethinking Reentry topic you believe deserves attention.

If you have any questions, please contact Nadav S. Pearl, Senior Articles Editor, at

Thank you, and we look forward to reviewing your submissions!