Call for Submissions - Idaho Law Review Symposium: Immigration Law and the Shifting Borders of American Federalism

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The Idaho Law Review is pleased to announce open submissions for the 2025 Idaho Law Review Symposium: Immigration Law and the Shifting Borders of American Federalism. The 2025 Idaho Law Review Symposium will be held in-person and online on March 28, 2025, at the University of Idaho College of Law in Moscow, Idaho. 
Scholars, practitioners, and other stakeholders are invited to submit presentation proposals on topics related to this theme. Example topics could include: the scope of federal and state authority with respect to immigration and immigrants; changing norms of administrative law and federal preemption in the immigration context; the rights of immigrants in a legal landscape that increasingly prioritizes structural relationships over individual rights; and scholarship concerning the source of the federal immigration power. 
For those selected to present at the symposium, the Idaho Law Review will cover travel and lodging expenses. There will also be a dinner held the evening before the Symposium. Selected presenters will have the opportunity, and are highly encouraged, to publish a related article in the Idaho Law Review’s Symposium edition, scheduled for publication in Q2 of 2025. 
Submission Procedure
Please submit presentation proposals of 250 to 500 words along with your CV to Rebecca Sparks, Chief Symposium Editor, at The Idaho Law Review will make decisions on a rolling basis, with a priority deadline of December 20, 2024. For those selected for publication in the Law Review, drafts of the full article should be submitted by January 6th, 2025. If more time is needed for any article submissions, the Idaho Law Review can consider an accommodation. Please contact Chief Symposium Editor Rebecca Sparks at with any questions.